Monday, October 28, 2013

National Trail Has Gone Batty

Tick Tock it's nearly Halloween and the kids in our Nature Explorer's Club recently went batty learning about Bats and creating a felt bat. The Nature Explorer's Club is a National Trail Program for kids ages 8-12 who have fun while exploring nature. These kids participate in animal studies, nature games, gardening projects, arts and crafts and more. Make sure you join our upcoming Nature Explorer's Club on November 16 From 10:30 am - 12:00pm. You can sign up by calling (937)328-7275 the cost is $10 per child.

For those of you that missed last month's club meeting check out the below craft to see a how to guide on creating your very own felt bat.

Flying Bat Craft

Follow the directions to make your very own Flying Bat. This is a perfect craft for kids ages 3-12. 
Black String or Yarn
Black Pipe Cleaner
Wiggly Eyes (or you can use Black and White Paint)
Magnet Sheet
Small Paper Clips
Large Sheet of Black Felt Fabric
Glue Stick
White/Silver Fabric Marker
Hole Punch 
Step One: 
Download and print the bat template at (Thanks - All You) Cut out template and trace/outline the bat with felt marker onto the black felt.

 Step Two: 
 Cut out bat shape and punch four holes in the bat (use picture below for reference).

Step Three: 
Thread the black pipe cleaner through the punched holes. The center of the pipe cleaner should be behind the center of the head.

Step Four:
Bend the bottom of the pipe cleaner to create a foot.

Step Five:
Cut a piece of magnet for the nose and glue the magnet and eyes into place.

Step Six:
Cut the yarn/string into a long piece appropriate for the height of the children making the craft.Tie one end around the stick and the other end to the pipe cleaner (behind the head of the bat).

Step Seven:
Lay small paper clips out and as the bat swoops over them it should pick them up as if to eat them.

Monday, October 14, 2013

Leaf Fox - Play Pals

Play Pals is program for children ages 3-5 along with a parent or caregiver and is offered once a month by National Trail. This month the kids participated in a fun fall activity and made foxes out of fallen leaves.

Play Pals is a great time for parents or caregivers and their children to interact on fun activities such as games, arts and crafts and more. This is a nice transitional program for children who may not be ready to be left alone at a preschool program but still enjoy, along with their caregiver, participating in fun activities and socializing with the other children. It gives the child practice on listening and following directions for later preschool readiness. Make sure you make your calendars for November 14 and call (937)328-PARK to register to register for next months session.

Leaf Fox Craft

Follow the directions to make your very own Leaf Fox. This is a perfect craft for kids 3-6.


Assortment of Leaves  (Maple and Sycamore work well for the face)
Wiggly Eyes (or you can use Black and White Paint)
Large Sheet of Construction Paper
Glue Stick
Black Magic Marker

Step one:
Remove the leaf Stem from the top of the head.

Step two:
Add glue to the back of the main leaf and stick it to the construction paper.

Step three:
Add glue to the smaller leaf (ears) and place behind large leaf.

Step four:
Add Wiggly Eyes to leaf (or paint on eyes)

Step 5:
Cut down large leaf for nose and glue it to the bottom of the leaf.

 Step 6:
Use magic marker to draw whiskers.